



       201810915日,第三届中德功能陶瓷与聚合物研讨会(2018 Sino-German Symposium on Complex Material Structures for Functional Ferro-, Pyro- and Piezoelectric Ceramics, Polymers and Composites)在同济大学四平路校区举行。本次会议受到中德科学中心的全额资助(批准号GZ1496,由同济大学物理科学与工程学院张晓青教授和波茨坦大学物理和天文学研究所的Reimund Gerhard教授分别担任中方和德方组织者。

The 3rd Sino-German Symposium on Functional Ceramics, Polymers and Composites (2018 Sino-German Symposium on Complex Material Structures for Functional Ferro-, Pyro- and Piezoelectric Ceramics, Polymers and Composites) took place from Tuesday, 9 October 2018 until Moday, 15 October 2018 at the main campus of Tongji University on Siping Road in Shanghai. The symposium was fully funded by the Sino-German Science Center (Grant No.: GZ1496). Professor Xiaoqing Zhang from the School of Physical Science and Engineering at Tongji University and Professor Reimund Gerhard from the Institute of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Potsdam were the scientific organizers and co-chairs from the Chinese and the German side, respectively.  





At the symposium, 45 high-level scientific lectures were delivered by internationally recognized experts in the fields of functional ceramics, polymers and composites and their applications. The presenters originated from 28 well-known universities and research institutes. There were 16German, 26 Chinese and 3 third-country (Belgium, Japan and U.S.A.) invited delegates. In addition, severalindustrial engineers,academic teachers,young university scientists, graduate and post-graduate students from China, Germany and Russia participated in the symposium. In total, more than 70 scientists, engineers attended the symposium and contributed to its great success.    


During the symposium, the fundamental principles, recent advances in the microscopic and macroscopic understanding, materials developments and device applications of functional ceramics, polymers and composites with ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties were intensely discussed, which effectively promoted the exchange and cooperation between Chinese and German scientists in the respective fields of science and engineering. On 14 October 2018, most of the delegates visited the Electret and Functional Dielectrics Laboratory at the School of Physical Science and Engineering at Tongji University. The symposium not only consolidated the existing Sino-German bilateral cooperation projects and informal collaborations, but also led toseveral new Sino-German exchanges and collaborations. The symposium was judged to be an excellent high-level scientific conference by the participants who expect that the cooperation between China and Germany in the field of functional ceramics, polymers and composites will be further strengthened, and eagerly look forward to the next Sino-German bilateral symposium in this area of materials science and engineering. Finally, the symposium organizers sincerely thank the Sino-German Science Center (CDZ) and its sponsoring agencies (NSFC and DFG), the School of Physical Science and Engineering at Tongji University and the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Artificial Microstructure Materials and Technology for their kind support.  




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